Top 3 Free Google SEO Tools that you Must Have!

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Search engine optimization (SEO) is something that you as a website owner or a blogger shouldn’t miss if you want to increase the traffic and growth of your website.

But in order to do SEO, we need some tools which can help us do it. There are many tools available online for that but they are quite expensive.

I am sure most of you who are here are bloggers and when you are just starting out with blogging, you want to keep your spendings at lowest, right?

So today I am here to help you out! I am going to tell you about the best 3 free google SEO tools which you definitely shouldn’t miss out whether you are a blogger or a business owner.

I want to keep this post straight forward for your ease but first let me tell you what exactly SEO is because you must know the basics before using the tools.


SEO stands for search engine optimization which means optimizing your website so that it can make your content visible on search engines such as Google, Bing, Yahoo etc.

When you type a keyword or a query on any search engine, you get some results. Right? You see, some websites are ranked higher and some are ranked lower on search engines.

Let’s understand this with an example:

If I search ‘best tennis shoes’ on Google then I get the following results.

Results on ‘best tennis shoes’ on Google based on my location

Here you see that there are many websites which gives the answer to your question. But people seem to click on only those content which are ranked on the first page of Google. More clicks means more traffic and more traffic means increase in income, subscriptions, sales etc.

To make your content rank higher and to increase traffic on your website, you need to do SEO.

Google can’t understand human language. It doesn’t know how to read English or any other language. Through SEO, you are helping Google understand what your content is about.

SEO gives you organic traffic but you also need to keep in mind is that SEO takes time and it’s a never ending process.

SEO is a very wide topic and it’s not possible for me to explain every single thing about it in this post (I cannot make this post 10,000 words long haha) but I hope now you have a basic idea about it.

You can learn more about SEO from here.

Now let’s move on to the main topic of this post 👇

> Related: 10 Free SEO tools every blogger must know about


Google itself provided these 3 tools completely for free so that you can also increase the performance of your website:


Google search console is a free and very powerful tool that you must have as a blogger or a website owner.

This tool is a must have for your website!

You have to connect this tool with your website and there are two ways to do it: through domain property and URL prefix.

You can verify your website using any one of these methods. Let me tell you how to do it:

  1. Visit Google search console through here and click add property.
  2. Enter the URL of your website and click continue
  3. Copy the html tag and paste it in your header.php theme file.

Here are some awesome features of this tool:

  • It gives you a performance report of your website which includes total clicks, impressions and click through rate (CTR).
  • Tells you which pages of your website are indexed or not.
  • Let’s you submit a request for indexing a page of your website if it’s not indexed on Google.
  • Lets you submit and check the status of your XML sitemap.
  • Allows you to inspect a specific URL to see its index status
  • Offers suggestions for improving mobile usability
  • Displays information on external sites linking to your pages

For more thorough details of this tool, I recommend checking out this post from Hubspot on how to use Google search console.


Google keyword planner is used to do Keyword research for your content and is my personal favorite tool for performing keyword research.

This tool is provided within the Google ads platform so you first have to create a Google ads account to get access to this tool.

You can read this post to find out how to create a Google ads account.

Once you have created a Google ads account just go to the ‘tools’ section on the left panel and choose ‘keyword planner’. I’ll put an image below.

Now click the ‘discover new keywords’ option shown in the image above and enter some information related to your content to discover new keywords.

Some of the amazing features of this tool are:

  • Allows users to discover new keywords related to their product, service, or content.
  • Shows data for keywords, including search volume trends over time
  • Provides an estimate of how often a keyword is searched on Google
  • Allows users to filter keyword results based on location, language, search network, etc.
  • Allows users to save and download keyword lists

For more thorough details of this tool, I recommend checking out this post by Backlinko on how to use Google keyword planner.


Google analytics is a powerful website analysis tracking service. You can find out all the reports related to your website, from A to Z, using this tool. This is also one of my personal favorite tool.

Most bloggers and website or business owners use this tool because it’s very accurate and reliable.

Not just analytics, this tools also provides advanced SEO options. You can integrate this tool with Google search console to see a unified view of your online presence.

Here are some awesome features of this tool:

  • Provides detailed information about the no. of visitors to your website daily.
  • Tells you the demographics of your audience, including age, gender, interests, and other
  • Finds out the sources through which users find and access your website
  • Keeps an eye on what users are searching for on your website
  • Measures the speed of your website so that you can fix any issue related to that
  • Provides e-commerce tracking for online stores

For more thorough details of this tool, I recommend checking out this post by Hubspot on how to use Google analytics.

Have you tried any of these tools before and what do you like the most about these tools?

Let me know below in the comments.

> Related: How to do Simple SEO of your blog posts using these 10 tips


SEO is definitely one of the most important part of blogging. So, if you are new to it then I definitely recommend you to take it nice and slow and learn it day by day.

Yes, it can be confusing at first but you’ll gradually get the hang of it.

Before you go, I want to ask a little question:

‘Which of the above-mentioned SEO tools is your most favorite?’

Also, make sure to pin or bookmark this post so you can come back to it later ↓

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Khushi Singh

Hey, I am the person behind this site, here to share blogging tips and strategies to help passionate and enthusiast bloggers like you with all things blogging in a non techy way. Let's help each other here!

This Post Has 15 Comments

  1. Kim

    Great post. Thanks for sharing. 😊

  2. pedja

    Love these practical tips! Excited to see how Google Analytics can boost my blog’s SEO game.

  3. Debbie

    SEO can certainly be a challenge for bloggers. These are really great free suggestions for SEO research. I’ll give Google Keyword Planner a try!

    1. Khushi Singh

      So true!
      Google keyword planner is my favorite keyword research tool
      Glad you liked it:)

  4. Luana

    Very well written. I have saved this post in my bookmarks.

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