How to Stay Motivated for Blogging when you are new and not making Money yet

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Starting a blog is both an enjoyable and a knowledgeable process. But can we both agree on one thing? Which is-

Blogging takes both hard work and patience.

If you’ve been blogging for some time now then there may be some moments where you may feel a little demotivated.

a computer on a table with blank screen, how to stay motivated for blogging

I’ve been there too! After 5-6 months into my blogging journey, I used to ask myself,- “All this hard work, is this even worth it?”

Even if you genuinely love blogging, it is completely normal to get demotivated some times. But it doesn’t mean you are not enjoying your work.


As I’ve said before, blogging requires a lot of hard work and our human brain sometimes feeds itself with many negative thoughts.

Even if you don’t want to think about those negative thoughts, your brain can’t help but surrounds itself with them like –

“I am putting in so much time and work into this, what if this doesn’t work out?”

“What if I’m just wasting my time?”

What if this, What is that……it’s a never ending ocean of thoughts.

And trust me when I say this that you are not alone. Every blogger at some point gets a little demotivated. Those successful bloggers that you are seeing now may also have had these thoughts.

Yes, starting a blog and working on it to turn it into a successful business takes time and patience but it’s so so easy to get demotivated, especially in the early days.

So, here’s what i did….

I wrote down a list of all the things you can do about how to stay motivated for blogging and I poured every little information about blogging and motivation right here in this post.

Below are my 14 personal ways which I adapted to stay motivated for blogging.

So, let’s not waste any more time and jump straight to the points.

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Below are 14 ways to stay motivated for blogging and increase productivity. The points I have mentioned below are my personal recommendations which helps me to stay motivated during my blogging journey.

Let’s start ↓

How to stay motivated for blogging:

➤ Stop Comparing yourself to others
➤ See how far you’ve come
➤ Set small goals
➤ Create a schedule
➤ Remember why you started
➤ Possibility of future
➤ Don’t try to be perfect
➤ Don’t look at analytics everyday
➤ Make blogger friends
➤ It will take time
➤ Look at the praises
➤ Put in the work
➤ Celebrate small wins
➤ Take breaks


The reason I listed this point at the very top is because this is a huge mistake that many new bloggers make.


Please stop doing it right now!

You just discovered a fellow blogger in your niche. Great! What’s the next thing you do?

If you are:

1- Comparing your achievements with them
2- Comparing your success with them

Then it’s time to stop. This will just make you feel like rubbish and by doing this, you are demotivating yourself in so many ways.

I was like this too. All I did was compare, compare and compare.

And this was a huge mistake that I made in my early days of blogging. It’s definitely not worth it and I don’t want you to do the same mistake.

One thing we don’t realize is that it took those successful bloggers many years to reach this level and gain these awesome achievements.

Instead of comparing, you should –

1- find out what mistakes you are making and how can you fix them
2- find out how you can collaborate with them and learn from them

This way, you’ll make some improvements in your blog without feeling demotivated. Just think what you can do to reach at the same level as them.

Yes, it will take time, patience and hard work but just keep going.

> Read more: 10 things I wish I knew before starting a blog


That’s right.

Take some time to look at how far you’ve come since you first launched this blog.

Blogging doesn’t just includes writing articles. It also includes learning SEO, designing your website, promoting to grow traffic, building an email list and much more.

You learnt all those things after launching your blog, am I right? You learnt a lot of skills and gained a lot of knowledge.

You didn’t have a clue about most of those things a year ago and now, you have a full blown blogging site of your own.

Isn’t it wonderful to think about?

Take the time to admire yourself and give a pat on your back. You did all this, all by yourself.


After launching your blog, the next thing to do is to work on your goals.

If you are a new blogger, then I recommend to set some small and achievable goals. This is a great way to be both a motivated and a productive blogger.

Let’s say, you published your first 10 blog posts. Now the next thing is to I would recommend you to do is set some simple, small and easy to achieve goals.

Take a notepad and write down all the things you want to achieve in the next 6 months or more. For example: getting 30-40 page views daily, 50-70 email subscribers, connecting with other bloggers, writing guest posts etc.

These are just examples. You can set goals accordingly and start working on those.

Because, trust me, when you achieve these goals, the satisfaction from your work feels different and works as a huge motivating factor.

You can also work on your goals using the SMART goals technique which means specific, measure, achievable, relevant and time bound.

S.M.A.R.T Goals for blogging

Set your goals keeping in mind all these factors and create a your own list.


Did you know that creating a content calendar for your blog increases efficiency by 20-30%? Pretty amazing, right?

I mean who doesn’t want to be efficient at their work…..

So why not create a content calendar for your blog? This is also one of the biggest mistake I did in my early days of blogging. I worked without a plan or a schedule and everything was just so disorganized.

It was quite frustrating!

So, I grabbed a notepad and created a content calendar for my blog which included all the information about when to post blog post, when to post on social media, when to create a freebie etc.

I stuck to the schedule to get everything together. Guess what?

Content calendar for blogging

That was the best decision ever!

So, I highly recommend you to create a content calendar and stick to it. Trust me, it makes everything much easier to manage.

Everyday felt so productive, motivated and organized without me getting burnt out after I started following a content calendar.


Most bloggers start blogging to earn a full-time income and become financially stable. And I bet you have the same goal too!

So whenever you feel demotivated, just think about why you started blogging in the first place. Do you still want to achieve that goal?

I know it’s not the most effective way to gain motivation but we have to look back and remember why we started all this in the first place.

You spent hours on your blog everyday because you want to achieve something, right? So, just keep going and you got this!


If you are feeling demotivated nowadays, then think about the possibility of future.

Let me tell you this, according to statistics, 75% of bloggers are successful which means they have found success through blogging.

Does this motivate you? I hope so!

What I am trying to say here is just to keep working, and you’ll definitely find success in the near future.

Every tiny piece of work you are putting in right now will definitely show you results in the future.

So, think about the future and its possibilities and you got this!


Perfection doesn’t exist.

This was a huge demotivating factor for me when I was a beginner. I used to look at other peoples’ blog and think to myself, “this site looks so perfect. Why am I not like this?”

Don’t do that. Please.

In your early stages of blogging, you may doubt your own skills and knowledge. That’s because of imposter syndrome which is completely normal to experience.

Take it easy.

It’s your blog. It’s your site. You are your own boss.

In your first year of blogging, you have to build the foundation of your blog. After all, blogging is also a business.

Many successful bloggers have worked very hard, day and night, to achieve their goals. Blogging takes years of hard work and there is so much room for growth in it.

So, take it easy and look for the ways to improve your blog without chasing perfection. You’ll definitely get there.


If you are doing this daily and seeing a flat line in your analytics, it’s time to stop!

Because no one wants to see zero improvement in their analytics. I totally get that.

Every day you wake up in the morning, you turn on the computer to see the analytics of the previous day and there goes….no improvement at all. That’s not the way to start your day, is it?

I am not recommending you to completely ignore your analytics. Your site analytics is important to look for the ways to grow your blog.

I am just recommending to not check them daily. You can check weekly analytics and look for the ways to improve.

As I’ve said before, blogging takes time to grow. So, if you are in your early days of blogging then I recommend not to check your analytics everyday.


Yes! Make some friends and make blogging more enjoyable.

Let me give you a quick tip:

As a blogger, you have to find other bloggers within your niche and connect with them to expand your network. Befriend them instead of seeing them as your competitors.

There are many advantages of connecting with other bloggers:

  • You can collaborate with each other
  • You can increase your reach
  • Improves SEO and contributes in ranking
  • Gain more expertise

Seeing all these advantages, it’s safe to say that connecting with other bloggers gives you a lot of benefits.

Create social media accounts to connect with other bloggers. Follow them, share their content, leave comments and make yourself known.

And if we talk about motivation then, yes, connecting with other bloggers gives you a lot of motivation to work towards your goals.

> Read more: 120 Hustle quotes for bloggers to keep going


If you have been blogging for more than 6 months, then you may have some nice comments left by your audience to look at.

Take some time to look at those positive comments and remind yourself that you are doing great.

People are loving your content and leaving positive comments. It works as a sign of hope which further gives you motivation to work even harder.

So here’s another recommendation to find motivation throughout your blogging journey.

It will be worth it. Just keep going.


Always try to give your best and put in the work. I work on blog for approx. 40 hours a week to create the best content I possibly can.

Because if you won’t put in the hard work then you’ll definitely regret it in the future. You’ll end up with the regret of not working hard when you should have work hard.

So stop worrying and start working. Right now.

There’s a quote which says,Do something today that your future self will thank you for.”

Think about your future self. If you put in the work now, your future self will be proud of you. Give your best in whatever you do.


A win is a win. It doesn’t matter if they are small or big. So, celebrate your each and every win.

You got accepted into an affiliate program? Yes, celebrate it!

You got your first 10 email subscribers? Celebrate the win!

You crossed 30 daily visitors? Gained 50 followers on social media? Made your first $10? Go ahead and celebrate it!

Like I said, it doesn’t matter if your wins are small or big. You deserve to celebrate them.

I remember when I got accepted into my very first affiliate program. I WAS JUMPING AROUND LIKE A MANIAC!

The conclusion is, celebrating these small wins gives you hope which further increases your motivation to work even harder.


It’s very important to take small breaks in between.

Either you are working on your blog full-time or part-time, remember to take breaks in between to refresh your mood.

You can take a break on the weekend, on a holiday, whenever you feel like it. Don’t push yourself beyond the limit.

Take it easy and slow.

Spending a lot of time on your blog non-stop takes a toll on your mental health. Stay hydrated, take breaks and then work on your blog with a good mood.


This last point here is not a way but an advice to stay motivated.

Blogging is a long term game. You may make money in your first year of blogging or you may not. There’s no clear answer to this question.

Keep in mind that blogging is a business and just like any other business, it takes time to grow it.

The first year of blogging is probably the most hardest. You may find everything confusing, overwhelming and difficult but take your time to get your way around it.

Blogging is not dead. As long as people and internet exists, blogging will remain relevant and profitable.

Just keep working. Do one thing at a time. Be patient.

If you genuinely want it, then you’ll definitely get it.


Now that I’ve listed all the ways here to stay motivated for blogging, it’s your turn to implement these tips to improve your blogging lifestyle.

Blogging is, I won’t say, super easy, but it’s not that difficult. Sitting in front of the computer most of the time is very exhausting.

But since you chose this path, you have to put in the work. I am curious to know this ↓

Did you find these tips useful?

Let me know in the comments! Pin this post on Pinterest for later ↓

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Khushi Singh

Hey, I am the person behind this site, here to share blogging tips and strategies to help passionate and enthusiast bloggers like you with all things blogging in a non techy way. Let's help each other here!

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Giada

    What I like to remind myself is that the time will pass anyway – whether I take action or not. 6 months from now I can either have 6 months of excuses or 6 months of progress. It’s on me! 😉

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