How to Write a Blog Post that People Actually Want to Read: 9 Effective Tips

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‘How to write a blog post people want to read, click on, and share?‘ This question is everywhere. Have you ever wondered? ↓

How long does it take to write a single blog post?

If it takes 30 to 40 minutes for you to write a single blog post then you are probably doing it all wrong.

I think we can all agree that simply writing a blog post is an easy thing to do but writing a quality blog post that people want to read is indeed a difficult task.

It’s not a piece of cake, at all!

how to write a blog post that people actually want to read: featured image

I’ve seen many MANY blog posts which are not good to read. They have poor readability, are very short, and have many more issues. I am here to make sure that you won’t make these same mistakes. After all, you are investing your precious time writing these blog posts and I don’t want you wasting your time and energy for nothing in return.

So, this post is specially made for passionate bloggers like you who want to achieve something with blogging.

Let’s start, shall we?

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Let’s dive deep into some of the tips that might help you to get more clicks or reads on your blog post. Every single one of these points is important to keep in mind while writing a blog post.


When I first started blogging (not on this site), I used to write on any random topic I wanted to write on. Sometimes I would write on topics such as ‘Why book reading is a good habit?‘ and the next topic would be ‘benefits of Yoga‘. It’s so random, right?

At that time, I was very new to blogging and this taught me one thing: it’s important to choose a specific niche in blogging.

It doesn’t matter if it’s a broad niche or a micro niche, focus on only one. Some of the most popular blogging niches are:

  • Health and wellness
  • Parenting
  • Personal Finance
  • Travel
  • Food and cooking
  • Fashion and lifestyle

There are many other blog niche ideas for your blog and it’s good to stick with one topic to blog on. There are many reasons why you must choose a specific niche to blog on:

  • Having a niche allows you to target a specific audience
  • Having a niche allows you to become an expert in that subject matter
  • A niche provides a clear framework for content creation
  • Search engines prefer websites with focused content
  • A well-defined niche provides room for adaptation and growth

> Related: How to structure your blog posts to bring more traffic


A well-structured blog post matters a lot. No one likes those blog posts that are difficult to navigate, difficult to read, and ugly looking. A good design of a post means those which are:

  1. Easy to navigate and skim through
  2. Easy to read and easy to look at

We’ll discuss the second point a bit later.

First things first, you have to visualize a rough structure of your blog in your mind. If you are not good at that, you can also take a look at others’ blog post structures and search on Pinterest for blog post templates. Take inspiration from them and add your touch. Just don’t completely copy from others.

Here is an illustration of a good structure of a blog post:

Structure of a blog post. You can use different structures too

As you can see in the image, this structure of a blog post is easy to navigate and understand.

If you keep these points in mind, then you’ll have a good blog post structure.

Now comes the next thing: Readability which includes fonts, colors, size of paragraphs, using the table of contents, using images, etc. (scroll down to read it)


Your blog post title is the first thing your audience will notice. It depends on the title of a blog post whether a person will read the post or not so it makes sense to put more work into that.

It takes me 20 to 30 minutes to write and finalize the perfect title of a blog post. Because we have a lot of things to keep in mind while writing a blog post title:

  • Keyword of the blog post should be in the title
  • The title must have a positive or negative sentiment
  • The title must contain a power word
  • The title must contain a number (if possible)

The title of a blog post is one of the most important places to use the keywords in a blog post. The search engines like it if we use keywords in the title because it’s a good SEO practice.

Here are some examples of positive or negative sentiments for a blog post title:

1- Accurate
2- Adjustable
3- Achievable
4- Adorable
5- Amazing
6- Astonishing
7- Attractive
8- Awesome
9- Best
10- Captivating
11- Simplest
12- Costly
13- Denying

There are more than 8000 positive and negative sentiments that you can use.

Here are some examples of Power words:

1- Free
2- How to
3- Basic
4- Brilliant
5- Charming
6- Latest
7- Kickass

There are thousands more powerful words that you can use in your blog posts.


This is one thing you have to make sure with your blog posts: Make sure your readers get the answers to their problems by the time they reach the end of it.

This is one of the main reasons why people read blog posts in the first place- they are looking for answers to different questions.

According to statistics, 8.5 Billion searches are handled by Google every day with each user searching up to 3-4 queries per day.

You have to take advantage of these numbers by providing value to your audience. If they are clicking on your blog posts, you have to return the favor to them by providing them with quality content.

Let’s understand this with an example:

If your niche is Fashion and lifestyle then your audience is probably looking for solutions like ‘Comfortable Summer outfits for women‘ or ‘styling hacks to look fashionable on a budget‘ etc.

Trust me on this- if you give them answers to their questions, your blog traffic will skyrocket gradually.


Write interesting introductions to your blog posts to keep the readers hooked till the end. Tell them what your post is about, ask them questions right off the bat, etc.

Just writing ‘this blog post is about [the topic]. Let’s start‘ is boring and not interesting at all. You have to make it interesting so that it’s a bit more enjoyable.

You can add a little humor too in the introduction because, unlike articles, blog posts are informal. You can be yourself while writing them so why not take advantage of it?

Here’s an example of an interesting intro to one of my blog posts:

The introduction of this blog post was written by me

The introduction of your blog post is the first thing (in the body of the blog post) people will be reading so make sure to keep them interested as much as you can.


People love reading relatable stuff. I bet you too! So try to add real-life stories in your blog posts wherever it fits the best to keep the readers interested.

And no, I am not asking you to open up your whole life. Mention small incidents which happened to you in the past. Some people may find it relatable and this may result in them sharing your blog posts with others.

Don’t share fake stories just for the sake of it. Be genuine about everything and you’ll automatically build trust with your readers which can turn them into subscribers. Great, right?


A neat and clean blog post design is a must for your blogging site. It gives a more professional look to your site which matters a lot because you want people to take you seriously, right?

Let’s suppose this: You found a new blogging site and it looks like a unicorn. Would you find it distracting and difficult to navigate through? Obviously, yes because that site threw a million colors on your face.

Colors are used to highlight a specific part of a website which works as a call to action such as buttons, links, logo, etc.

Here’s how to give a good design to a blog post:

  • Use simple fonts that are easy to read such as Open Sans, Roboto, Lato, Source Sans Pro, etc. Choosing ‘too stylish’ fonts can affect the readability of your blog posts.
  • The colors of your website should be warm, cool, or neutral. Keep the colors minimal. Adding too many colors can be distracting and annoying.
  • While writing the blog posts, keep the paragraphs short. Use bullet points whenever necessary for easy readability.
  • Add a table of contents in your blog posts for easy navigation. You can use plugins or manually add a table of contents to your blog posts.
  • Use images or infographics to make your blog posts look more visual and attractive

Try designing your post like this and it will look more visually appealing to readers.


Using good-looking images and graphics is getting popular these days and that’s why it’s a good thing to use them in your blog posts.

According to this post by Optinmonster, Blog posts with images get 94% more views as opposed to those with no visuals and 32% of marketers say visual images are the most important form of content for their businesses.

You can see how using good images can be this much beneficial for you.

Don’t worry. You don’t have to be an expert to design good-looking graphics. Use a tool like Canva to design aesthetically pleasing images and use them in your blog posts.

Just keep in mind:

  • Use high-quality images as no one likes pixelated graphics.
  • Respect copyright laws and only use images that you have the right to use. You can use copyright-free images on sites like Pexels or Unsplash.
  • Consider where you place your images within the blog post.
  • Ensure that your images are responsive and look good on all devices.


You are done writing your blog post! Or are you? Did you write a conclusion at the end? If not then you definitely should.

Not sure what to write in the conclusion of your blog posts? Try these:

  • Briefly recap the main points you’ve made in your blog post.
  • Encourage your readers to take some form of action related to the topic you’ve discussed such as ‘comment your thoughts‘ or ‘share if you liked this post‘.
  • Leave your readers with something to think about.
  • Remind your readers why the topic you’ve covered is important or relevant to them.

And there you go, you have a perfect conclusion for your blog post.


Blogging is getting more and more competitive day by day but don’t let it demotivate you. There is competition everywhere, in every field.

Just the other day, I read this quote- “Yes, it has been done before but not by you” and this was eye-opening for me. Yes, it can get a little difficult and demotivating from time to time but you have to keep going.

Hopefully, these points helped you a little bit to get more clicks on your post so that you can make it possible what you’ve been dreaming of all this time.

Let me know which point was your favorite and informative in the comments below because I am curious to know your thoughts on this one.

Were you writing a conclusion of your blog posts before reading this post?

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Khushi Singh

Hey, I am the person behind this site, here to share blogging tips and strategies to help passionate and enthusiast bloggers like you with all things blogging in a non techy way. Let's help each other here!

This Post Has 20 Comments

  1. Edna

    Sorry, forgot to ask. Should we use as heading size H2 for each topic within the post?
    Thank you.

    1. Khushi Singh

      Yes. For example, in this post, all the 9 points are H2 headings. It gives your blog post a good structure and Google loves well structured blog posts. Feel free to ask more.

      1. Edna

        Awesome. Glad I was already doing that. Thank you!

  2. Edna

    After reading this post, I immediately went to my blog and started making improvements based on your suggestions. Now my post looks amazing, and I’m motivated to enhance my other blog posts. Thank you for your help.

    1. Khushi Singh

      Your most welcome, Edna! I am so so glad that this post helped you and your blog.

  3. Diomayra

    Such a great reminder that we ought to take our time when creating the perfect blogpost. Thanks for sharing

  4. LG

    This article was a reminder that I really need to revise how I do things. I definitely need to update my title and format of the blog.

  5. Susan

    Sometimes, it’s a struggle to get my titles, intros and conclusions right. I found your tips this post to be very helpful. Love that you gave us example words to use!

    1. Khushi Singh

      Yes Susan, it is a struggle so I think while writing intros and conclusions, you should be just yourself and don’t stress it too much. I am glad you found this helpful!

  6. Natalie

    Love this! Especially appreciate the list of positive/negative sentiments for a blog post title. Wheels are turning and making me want to re-do my titles!

    1. Khushi Singh

      Thanks Natalie! Polishing your blog posts is really necessary so it would be a good thing for you to redo your titles. Have a nice day!

  7. These are absolutely great points on how to write a blog post that people will actually read. I saw quite a few points I could definitely implement and fix on my blog! Thanks so much!

    1. Khushi Singh

      Thanks a lot, Carolyn! Nice to hear that you found this helpful 🙂

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