40+ Reliable Blogging tips which every new blogger must follow

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The term “Blogging tips” is everywhere. If you go anywhere on the internet or social media, you’ll see people or marketers giving some tips and tricks on blogging.

Well, that’s because, in blogging, everything is connected. For example, understand this:

If you follow some good blogging tips then you’ll improve the performance of your blog which means Google will love your content and rank it higher on search engines and as a result you’ll get more traffic, subscribers, followers, etc.

blogging tips for beginners: featured image

Blogging Tips includes a lot of things because there’s a lot to do in blogging in general. It includes writing good posts, designing a good site, doing SEO, doing social media marketing, and much more.

So, I thought why not create a huge list about some of the *real* blogging tips that you must follow whether you are a seasoned blogger or a newbie?

There is so much I want to discuss in this post so I recommend you to get a notebook, a pen, and a cup of coffee and sit back.

I have discussed 10 points here and 32 more points in my free blogging tips + blogging workbook freebie. So either click here to download the freebie or fill out the form below.

Okay! Let’s start, shall we?


Why did you start blogging? I am guessing your answer is a mixture of both helping people on the internet and becoming financially independent, right?


Because this should be your ultimate goal with blogging. If you are doing it only and only for the money then I am afraid it’s not gonna work for you. You’ll end up burning out and eventually quit.

No, I don’t mean to scare or demotivate you. But remember this:

The concept of blogging has changed over the years and right now if your blog is helping people find solutions to their problems then it’s great!

This leads us to the first tip: know your what, why, and how.

What exactly are you doing, why are you doing this and how can it help other people? If your blog can answer these questions that means you found the purpose of your blog.

There are many other questions too that you can ask yourself like how can you improve your blog, what kind of people you want to help with your blog etc. etc.

The goal is to find a purpose for your blog because, at the end of the day, you are building an online business through your blog to gain some achievements and profits.


Research before you write or create something on your blog whether it’s a blog post, a course, a freebie, or any other digital product.

Your audience is your top priority here so give them your best and return the favor.

Doing proper research in blogging includes taking a look at other’s ideas and modifying them in your way to stand out.

Research also includes collecting resources such as images, videos, articles, etc.

In conclusion, my point here is that don’t just wing it. Do proper research before finalizing anything and make sure that the result is great.

> Related: How to write a blog post that people will actually read


Perfection doesn’t exist. No one’s perfect. Just be yourself, learn as much as you can and you’ll eventually get the hang of everything.

I know blogging requires both hard work and smart work but as long as you are giving your 100%, it will give you fruitful results.

Many bloggers, especially new bloggers, experience imposter syndrome which is a very common occurrence. I still experience it but I try to be confident and just trust myself.

Blogging is an online business and just like any other business, it requires time to stand on its own.

Maybe your first blog post isn’t your best work but your 50th or 100th blog post definitely will be. It just takes time to build the best.

My advice is to remove the word ‘perfect’ from your mind and replace it with ‘my best‘.

And if you are hesitating to start a blog because you think you aren’t good enough to write then my advice is to just go with what your heart says.

I didn’t have any prior writing skills before starting this blog but I started it anyway because I wanted to and it was one of the best decisions ever.

Just start, give your best and you got this!


I am guessing there are mainly two types of people here: those who want to start a blog and those who have already started their blog and trying to improve it.

If you are thinking about starting a blog then hello! My advice is to get a self-hosted site from WordPress.org and good hosting.

If you have already started a blog and you are not blogging on a self-hosted site then get a hosting and domain ASAP.

First of all, let’s understand the difference between WordPress.com and WordPress.org:

  • WordPress.com: WordPress.com provides hosting for free. The URL of your site will be yoursitename.wordpress.com. You won’t have that much control over your site.
  • WordPress.org: WordPress.org is self-hosted where you have to pay for the domain and hosting of your site. You’ll have full control of your site that way.

This is just the basic difference. I recommend going with WordPress.org to have a self-hosted site.

For the best hosting services, you can either go with Hostinger as it’s affordable for beginners. You’ll get a free domain name for one year with this hosting service too.

If you want to turn your blog into a successful online business then I recommend getting a self-hosted WordPress site.


To find your competitors, you can use some paid or free SEO tools.

Find out who they are and what type of content they are creating. Write down all of their most trending and popular topics.

Once you have done that, figure out how you can improve or modify that topic in your way. Don’t copy the same thing. I repeat, DON’T COPY THE SAME THING AGAIN.

That would be useless. Google never prioritizes copied or ‘too similar‘ content.

Cover as many topics as you can and level them up to stand out. You don’t have to find unique topics to stand out. Modifying trending and popular topics is one of the best ways to stand out too.


Write your blog posts like you are talking to a friend. Like you are having a casual conversation with a friend.

If you write formally, there are chances that people won’t connect with you and your blog.

Write in a friendly tone, use casual words, and use easy-to-understand language if you have a global target.

If your audience builds a connection with you, they will be more likely to trust you and your content, and thus you’ll build a good online community.


Goals can either be short-term or long-term. If you are a beginner then I recommend starting small.

Create a small calendar and write down your monthly goals. For example monthly views: 200, Pinterest followers: 50, Instagram followers: 50, SEO of the site: 50% done.

Something like this. I think you get the idea here.

Once you have achieved some small goals, level up and set long-term goals like applying for monetization, creating a course, starting a podcast, etc.

Set goals from day one. Blogging without any proper strategy and goals will take a longer time to grow. You might even burn out.

As the saying goes:

” Dreams without a goal is just a dream”


Be yourself. Don’t try to copy others. Just write how you want to.

I know it takes some time to find your voice and style but you’ll find it eventually. Just trust the process.

Here are some tips to be an authentic blogger:

  • Be honest. Share your thoughts about a topic.
  • Be polite to others.
  • Be transparent and express your real self.

It’s gonna take some time to build up the courage since most of the bloggers are introvert but practice makes the man perfect.

You got this!


People choose a niche keeping in mind that they have a little knowledge about that field. But not everyone is an expert.

Don’t hesitate if you have a little knowledge about a topic. Keep in mind that you know a little more than your readers.

You don’t have to be a complete expert to start blogging. You learn a lot of things along the way and that’s one of the most fun parts about it.

I read this quote somewhere: “An expert in something was once a beginner“. This quote keeps me motivated.

Just write what you know and learn about those things which you don’t know about.


Consistency is the key to blogging. Some people misinterpret consistency as uploading daily. But, No.

Consistency doesn’t mean uploading daily. It means “the quality of always behaving or performing similarly”.

If you upload once a week, then maintain that consistency and upload once a week in the future. This is the proper meaning of consistency.

If you upload once a week and then upload another post after 3 weeks, it’s not gonna work. Don’t do that, please.

The minimum number of posts is one. Don’t decrease this number and you’ll do just fine.


What do you think about these tips? Did you find them useful? Please let me know in the comments below.

I have 32 more tips for you! Just click here or fill out the form below to get these tips for free along with a free blogging workbook.

Also, make sure to pin this post so that you can come back to this later ↓

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Khushi Singh

Hey, I am the person behind this site, here to share blogging tips and strategies to help passionate and enthusiast bloggers like you with all things blogging in a non techy way. Let's help each other here!

This Post Has 12 Comments

  1. Claudia

    Really great tips, for both new and experienced bloggers!

  2. Janet

    Wonderful and helpful tips! Authenticity and writing about what you know is so important!

  3. Kio Wangai

    Newbie here and the imposter syndrome is real! Good stuff!

  4. Dahlia A

    This is such a great article. All the tips are practical. As a newish blogger, this article was very helpful.

  5. Love this!! I have just started posting consistently and already seeing results! Great tips!

    1. Ambra

      Great tips! These are very helpful for me that I have started nearly a year ago 😁

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