How to Choose a Profitable Blog Niche in 2024 (and Succeed Fast!)

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Are you thinking about starting a blog but struggling with how you can choose a profitable niche for it?

It’s understandable because when you are new to blogging, choosing a blog niche can be very confusing.

It is also the most important decision for your blog because a good blog niche determines your blog’s success.

how to choose a profitable blog niche

Let me share a story.

So, a couple of months ago I was scrolling through a Facebook group in my free time and came across a blogger who said they were sad about not seeing any progress after blogging for 5 years. Yes! 5 freaking years!!

So, I got curious and went ahead to see why this happened. What are they missing here?

A single skim through their whole site and I found the problem. Can you guess what it is?

Exactly! The blog niche!

See the problem was that when I visited that person’s blog, I couldn’t tell what their blog/site was about. The niche was not clear, they were writing about random topics and their blog message was not clear.

I also performed keyword research about the topics they were writing about and it turns out, people were not looking for the topics they were writing about (we’ll discuss more on this later on).

So, the point of the story is that choosing a profitable niche for your blog is a really important step.

That’s exactly what we are going to discuss in this blog post: how to choose a profitable blog niche that will earn you profits.

You don’t want to miss this!

Let’s jump straight to the topic!

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Some of the things I’ll be discussing here come from my own experience of blogging and how the blogging world works.

I also created this huge list of 130+ blog niche ideas to start a blog. You can take a look at this to get some ideas.

How to choose a profitable blog niche?

  1. Choose a niche that you’re passionate about
  2. The niche must have demand from your audience
  3. You must have some knowledge about the niche
  4. Find out the competition
  5. How can you earn profits in that niche?
  6. Can you create a community in that niche?
  7. Make sure that niche stays relevant for a long time
  8. Take a look at what other bloggers are doing

Let’s discuss these points in detail one by one!


I know you may have heard this a thousand times but trust me, blogging in a niche you’re passionate about matters a lot.

Let’s imagine a scenario to understand this better.

You want to start a blog and you’re confused about which niche to choose to get started. So you surf the internet to find some ‘profitable niche ideas for your blog’ and come across the food niche.

You read the success stories of many food bloggers and most experts also say that the food niche is the most popular blog niche because it is! You can create evergreen content with that niche!

So, you decided to start a food blog because it’s profitable.

Now the issue is that you have no knowledge about this niche at all. You have no interest, you are not great at cooking, you’re not passionate about it and all of this is very new to you.

You chose to start a food blog just because it’s profitable. Would you really enjoy that? I doubt that.

You may blog for a few months and then quit. I’m speaking from experience because my first blog was a mess. My niche was a mess and I decided to put a full stop to it. I learned from my past mistakes and I don’t want you to do the same.

You will not enjoy your blogging journey if you’re not passionate about the topic. You’ll burn out or maybe never come back to blogging again because your mind will say that it’s not for you.

All of this happened just because you didn’t choose a niche that interests you.

Let’s imagine another scenario.

You enjoy crochet and want to start a blog about it to teach others how to crochet.

After some research, you see that many other bloggers teach how to crochet on their blogs. This sparks excitement inside you to also start a crochet blog.

Other people are also blogging about crochet and are earning profits which means people are interested in learning crochet. There’s an audience waiting for you and you’re excited to teach them.

Will you enjoy this?

Yes! Absolutely!

See how much difference it makes to work on a topic that you’re passionate about. It’s the difference of day and night.

As a blogger, you have to work on this biz for years to make it grow so it’s always best to choose a niche that you’re passionate about.

One more thing to keep in mind is that you don’t have to be a complete expert in your niche. If you’re passionate about it and want to learn more then go for it!

Key Takeaway: Choose a niche that you’re passionate about and have an interest in. It makes blogging more enjoyable. Yes, a profitable niche matters a bit but go after what you really want to blog about. A mixture of profitable niche + interest or passion is the best. You should know what you’re writing about to build trust with your audience.


Your niche must have some demand to be able to make profits from it. That’s how it works!

If people are not looking for what you’re writing about, would you get any traffic to your site? No, nada.

What makes your blog profitable? Choosing a niche which ↓

You’re passionate about + is demanded by the readers

But how do you find out if the niche you’re choosing is demanded or not? Do people want to read blog posts about that niche?

It’s a simple process.

You can use these three tools for researching:

Answer the public is a fairly new tool that can help you find out if people are looking for a certain topic or not. Let’s say you want to start a blog in the diet niche. You are unsure if people are searching for this topic or not.

Ok then go to answer the public and pop in some keywords on which you want to write posts about. You’ll see the data related to the keyword.

Take a look at this image ↓

Answer the Public keyword research of the blog niche

I popped in the keyword ‘dieting plans’ in the search bar and the tool gave me some suggestions and data related to the keyword.

The search volume is in thousands which means that many people are looking for this topic! Yay this is a good niche for you!

That was pretty easy to do, right?

You can also use Quora to research if people are asking questions related to the niche or not. Follow the same process and pop in some keywords related to your niche in the Quora search bar.

I did the same research for the diet niche and this is what I found on Quora ↓

Topic demand research on Quora

People are asking questions and many people are providing answers too. This is definitely a good niche to start a blog about!

Reddit works the same as Quora. You can use that platform too for niche research in the same way.

Key takeaway: Make sure that the niche you’re choosing to start a blog has demand. Do not worry if the niche is over-saturated. It only means that there is a huge audience for that niche. No demand, no profits. So, make sure to do proper research about the topic.

> Read more: Where to promote your blog for free?


If you’re unsure of what you’re writing about then your audience will not trust you. Trust and authority matter a lot in blogging.

Let’s take the example of the food blog niche again.

You chose to start a food blog because it’s profitable but you do not know that niche whatsoever.

It won’t work that way. You must know something about the niche to start with.

Successful food bloggers you find on the internet love to cook. They are passionate about cooking and they have knowledge about it.

They have knowledge. They know what they are doing and what they are writing about. That’s why their audience trusts them.

That’s why they are successful.

Are you getting my point?

You do not have to be a complete perfectionist. Get rid of the perfectionist mindset. You do not need a degree to start a blog. You do not need to be a complete expert.

What you need is a little knowledge, interest and understanding of the niche you’re writing about.

Gaining the trust of your audience should be the no. one goal of your blog and to do that, you must provide them with valuable content with correct information.

Providing incorrect information is unethical, bad and not cool as a blogger. It will harm your blog’s reputation a lot.

Key Takeaway: Make sure you have an idea and knowledge about the niche you’re writing about to build trust with your audience. Your audience should be your main priority as a blogger. You can’t afford to disappoint them.

> Related: Should you start a blog?


There can be two cases of your blog niche:

  • Your niche has low competition
  • Your niche has high competition

You have to figure out how much competition your blog niche has in the market. How do you do this and what’s the need?

I know you are curious to know so let’s find out why.

First of all, you have to keep in mind that once you start a blog, you have to do a lot of promotion to get some eyes on it.

Blogging in today’s era is 30% writing and 70% promoting.

This means that before starting the promotion of your blog, you have to come up with a promotion strategy.

To create a good and proper promotion strategy for your blog, you have to find out what the competition of your niche is in the blogging world. According to that, you can promote your blog.

If your blog has high competition, then you have to come up with a strong promotion strategy and if your blog has low competition, then the promotion may differ according to the niche.

“But how do I know if my blog has high or low competition?”

It’s pretty simple to do that. Just follow this!

You have a blog niche in your mind that you want to blog about and you may have a rough idea of the blog post topics you want to write, right?

Now, do this:

  • Take a notepad and write keywords of the blog post topics you can write after you launch your blog.
  • Head over to Google Keyword Planner (a free Google SEO tool) and pop in the keywords one by one in the search bar. (set the location to ‘all locations’ if you’re targeting a global audience)
  • If the keywords have high search volume (10k-100k) then the blog niche has high competition. If the keywords have low search volume (1k-10k) then the blog niche has low competition.

Here’s a competition comparison of two different blog niches ↓

A blog niche with high competiton
A blog niche with low competiton

One niche is the designing niche and the other is the pet niche. As you can see, the design niche has low competition and the pet niche has high competition.

And this is how you can get a rough idea of your blog niche’s competition.

If you’re passionate about a niche that has a high competition then don’t worry about it. If a niche has high competition, that only means it is in high demand and is profitable.

It’s you who can make it stand out because you have your own voice and personality for your blog. No one else can have that.

Key takeaway: Find the competition of your blog niche so that you can create a promotion strategy for it. Use a keyword research tool like Keyword Planner to do a competition research. Do not worry if your blog has high competition. If you’re passionate about it then start!


This is a ‘how to choose a profitable blog niche’ guide so of course we’ll talk about the monetization methods of your blog.

There are many different ways to earn money from blogging:

  • Affiliate marketing
  • Display ads
  • Selling courses
  • Selling digital products
  • From email newsletter
  • Sponsored posts
  • Services
  • 1:1 Coaching
  • YouTube Channel
  • Offer merchandise
  • Freelancing

There are quite a lot of options to monetize your blog but not all of them work for every single blog niche.

For example, you can’t monetize a parenting blog through a coaching service, can you? Coaching monetization works best mainly for tech niches.

One month after the launch of your blog, you must come up with a monetization strategy. How many ways are there to monetize your blog? How are other bloggers in your niche monetizing their blogs?

Make sure that there are more than two ways to monetize it.

Do not go for a single monetization method. Do not make the mistake of putting all your eggs in a single basket. Diversify your income streams.

Affiliate marketing and display ads are the two monetization methods that work well for almost all blog niches.

The most simple way to find out how to monetize your blog is to take a look at more experienced bloggers in your niche.

Follow their route, take inspiration and learn strategies to grow.

Key takeaway: Find out how you can monetize your blog. Take a look at how fellow bloggers within your niche are earning and take inspiration. Look for more than two ways to monetize it.


Yes, you can! In any niche!

One great thing about blogging is that you don’t need very big numbers to be able to earn full-time income from it.

You can create a small but loyal online community of a few thousand people and you can still earn profits.

There are many ways to create a community for your blog:

  • Email list of your target audience
  • Facebook Group
  • Social media
  • Podcasting
  • Youtube subscribers

Best part? You can create a community an online community in almost every blog niche!

Have a sports blog? You can build a Facebook Group or an email list.

Have a food blog? You can create a YouTube channel or an email list.

Have a travel blog? You can create a Facebook Group, YouTube channel or email list.

Creating a community is the fun part of blogging and is important to communicate directly with your readers. YOU CANNOT MISS IT!

This point was necessary to include here so I did 🙂

Key takeaway: Build a community in your niche to grow faster and build a loyal audience. You can build an online community in any blog niche!


This is very important to figure out for your blog niche.

Will it stay relevant for a long time? Will it help your audience five, seven or even ten years later? Is it an evergreen niche?

Do you know why food blogs are one of the most profitable blog niches? Because it stays relevant years after its publication.

The recipe of a dish always stays the same. The procedure never changes. If someone publishes a blog post on ‘how to make lemon soda’, the recipe will stay relevant and helpful forever.

The same goes for the crochet niche. The process of crocheting something doesn’t change. It stays the same forever. It’s a profitable niche too with high competition.

Evergreen niches are very profitable. If someone visits your blog 6-7 years after its launch, then you’ll still be able to earn good profits from it.

Evergreen niches provide passive income and that’s why it’s important to choose a niche that stays relevant for a long time.

Avoid starting a blog in a niche that is trending now but will die down in the future.

Take fidget spinners as an example. They were very popular in 2017 but now they disappeared completely. If someone had started a blog about fidget spinners in 2017 then their niche is probably dead by now.

But how do you find out if a niche is evergreen or not?

It’s simple to do that. Let me explain!

You can use Google Trends to find that out. It is a tool that gives you data on past, present and future trends.

Just pop in some keywords related to your niche in the tool’s search bar and you’ll get the results.

Take a look at this image ↓

Niche relevancy research on Google Trends

I used the keyword ‘dieting’ for the diet blog niche and changed the period to the past 5 years. Here we can see that the graph is very consistent.

The niche is still in the trend for the past 5 years which means it’s an evergreen niche. Judging from the graph, it will stay relevant in the future too.

This is how you can figure out if your niche is evergreen or not!

Key takeaway: Make sure to choose a niche that stays relevant for a long time. An evergreen niche is what makes your blog profitable and successful. You can use Google Trends to find out how your blog niche is performing in the market.


This point is for those people who don’t know what to blog about.

Sometimes you’re unsure of your niche. Maybe you don’t have a specific interest in anything or some other reason.

But you still want to start a successful blog. Is that possible?


Okay listen, here’s the thing. The best thing about blogging is that anyone can start it. You don’t have to be an expert. There is no need for a professional degree to start it.

I know a lot of bloggers who were very confused when they first started. Let’s not get too deep into this because I want to get straight to the point.

My point is if you have no idea what to blog about but you have the desire to live an independent life and earn money, then you can do this.

  • Find out why you want to start a blog. Is it only to earn money or do you want to help people in some way? I started this blog because I want to share my knowledge of marketing with new bloggers. What’s your purpose?
  • Once you have found the purpose of starting a blog, the next step is to choose a niche for it. In this case, you have no idea what you’re gonna blog about.
  • If you currently have no niche ideas for your blog in your mind, then go to Pinterest and search the keyword ‘blog’ or ‘blogging’.
  • After searching this, you’ll find some bloggers blogging in different niches. Make a list of all the niches you find there. You can also take the help of this blog niche list.
  • After writing down a list of some niches, pick a niche that you’re willing to learn about before launching a blog.

If that niche seems interesting to you then take some time to learn about it. Gain knowledge from wherever you can, watch YouTube tutorials if available, learn from other bloggers in that niche, invest in courses if you can, etc.

If you’re willing to learn and gain knowledge, then you can start a blog in any niche you want.

Follow other bloggers and learn from them. Follow their footprints (don’t copy!) and learn about their blogging journey.

If they can do this, then you can too!

Key takeaway: If you don’t know what to blog about, then take a look at what other bloggers are blogging about and learn from them. Try a random niche and if it interests you, then learn about it. If you’re willing to learn and try, then you can definitely succeed!


We’ve reached the end of this post. Now the choice is yours which niche to choose for your blog.

The question ‘how to choose a profitable blog niche?’ is a tough one to answer because there are a lot of other things that go along with choosing a good niche to make a blog profitable.

But in this post, I’ve tried my best to include all the points that lead to a profitable blog niche.

One tip is to always stay open to learn everything and anything you can. Grab knowledge from wherever you can.

Blogging is not easy but if you do it the right way then there’s nothing stopping you from reaching success with it.

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Khushi Singh

Hey, I am the person behind this site, here to share blogging tips and strategies to help passionate and enthusiast bloggers like you with all things blogging in a non techy way. Let's help each other here!

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