How to Write Good Tweets: 10 Super Effective Tweeting Tips

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If you are a blogger or an entrepreneur then at some point, you must have asked yourself this question:

How to write good tweets to get more engagement and followers?” or “How do I gain more followers on Twitter?

After all, gaining more and more engagement on social media is necessary for any business in today’s landscape.

how to write good tweets featured image

I think it’s a must for bloggers and entrepreneurs to open a Twitter account to promote their biz. I recommend it. The power that this social media platform holds is unimaginable.

According to statistics, Twitter has 421 million monthly active users, and at least 500 million tweets are sent daily.

In July 2023, Twitter was rebranded as X. The blue bird logo was also changed to the X.

Just recently, I started using twitter to promote this site and some blog posts too and I gotta say that it has been really effective. And I’ve realized that the way twitter works is a little different from other social media platforms.

Here’s how twitter’s a little different from any other social media platform:

  • Twitter works in real time and you can get immediate reaction from your followers.
  • Other platforms like Facebook and Instagram follows the mutual following model but twitter doesn’t work like that. That way you can reach a much broader audience.
  • Twitter popularized the use of hashtags through which you can reach a specific target audience.
  • You can share other peoples’ content by just retweeting their tweets.
  • Unlike other platforms, Twitter has a character limit to its tweets which is 280 words.

Now that you know how twitter is different from other platforms, you must also know why bloggers and entrepreneurs should use Twitter to promote their business.

Let’s dive in, shall we?

> Related: 10 Free sites to promote your blog posts as a blogger


Well, there are tons of reasons why Twitter is so great:

  • As I’ve mentioned before, Twitter works in real-time. You can engage with your followers instantly. This immediate reaction can build a sense of connection which is great!
  • With more than 420 million users per month, you can announce your business to the world and reach a broader audience.
  • You can build relationship with fellow bloggers and entrepreneurs and can also collaborate with them. Keep in mind, networking is important!
  • You can promote your blog posts, services, products, events etc. through the twitter threads.
  • Bloggers and entrepreneurs can establish and strengthen their brand using Twitter.
  • By following relevant accounts, you can stay up to date with the latest trends, news, conversations and topics.

I think these are enough reasons to prove why Twitter can be so great for your business and it’s fun to use twitter as well.

Also, there are two things you need to keep in mind if you want to promote on twitter and gain more followers:

  1. If you are new to twitter, focus on making more and more connections with people. Follow some bloggers or entrepreneurs, comment on their tweets, like and repost their tweets etc. Make yourself known. That should be your goal in the first 2-3 months.
  2. Don’t just tweet only for promotion purposes. That won’t work that well. Create engaging tweets to make people interact with you. Tweet something funny, informative, behind the scenes, motivating etc. You’ll grow much faster that way.

This is something that I follow on my twitter account as well.

If you post only promotional stuff then it would only feel like yet another marketing chore. Don’t make it like that. Make it fun, make it something that you’ll enjoy!


Now comes the main topic of this post. How to write good tweets to gain more followers and engagement. Here we go!


You may know that twitter has a character limit of 280 words or less. You don’t have freedom to include every little detail about something in a twitter thread. So, it’s recommended to only mention the important points in a simple and straight forward manner and not exceed the maximum word limit.

Now, keep this in mind. If I said keep it short and simple, It doesn’t mean you have to tweet something like this ↓

“Hey everyone, a new blog post is published on the site! Read it here” – [link]

This isn’t gonna work at all. Not a tiny bit.

The reason is simple: it sounds too promotional. Don’t do that! People have eyes. They can see that all you are doing is promoting your stuff here. No one likes advertisements. They will simply ignore your post and keep scrolling.

Instead of this, try to come up with a little story or a more clickable thread. Something like this:

“My family goes crazy whenever I make these brownies for dessert. Here is the recipe if you want to try it too” – [Link] ( add a picture too)

This is much better, right? Short, simple and straight to the point. People will definitely click on your blog post links like that. This is just an example, of course you can create better tweets than this.


Trending, relevant and popular (TRP) is the golden rule of using hashtags.

Twitter basically gave birth to hashtags and popularized its use. According to this post by Buffer, “Tweets with hashtags get two times more engagement than tweets without.

But how many hashtags should you use in a single tweet? Simple answer is not more than two. If you use two many hashtags, it would definitely look more spammy.

I also use maximum of two hashtags in my tweets. Here’s an example:

If you use hashtags like that, it makes your tweets more simple and easy to read, right?


Using good graphics definitely grabs peoples’ attention. You may know how popular using good graphics is now-a-days. So, why not you use it as well?

Don’t worry. You don’t have to be an expert to design good looking graphics. Use a tool like Canva to design aesthetically pleasing images and use them in your tweets.

I’ll show you the difference right here ↓

A tweet with beautiful and visual graphic
A tweet without a visual

As you can see, the difference is kind of insane! Conclusion,

Good visuals = more attention


Whenever you tweet something, include a clear call-to-action such as like this tweet, repost, comment, share, tag someone etc.

Call to action: An act that asks or encourages people to take action on something.

This works as a reminder for people to engage with your post in any way possible. This is also one of the most effective tip for getting more engagement on your tweets.

Here’s an example ↓

A tweet with call-to-actions


This is a popular way of getting engagement on your tweets.

Ask a question to your followers. It can be of any type. If you want a suggestion, ask your followers. if you are curious about something, ask it. You can also ask random questions. It’s not necessary to ask only those questions which are relevant to your niche.

That’s the fun thing about twitter! Here, an example:

A tweet with a question

As you can see, she has asked a different type of question in both of these tweets and this tweet is getting a lot of engagement!


Who doesn’t like funny stuff? Your tweets doesn’t always needs to be professional. To connect more with your followers, create some funny tweets to lighten up the mood.

By tweeting funny things, you are doing two things:

  1. Your audience will connect more with you because funny and humorous things can be relatable sometimes.
  2. You are spreading positivity to anyone who was having a bad day. Your tweets may cheer them up.

Here are some examples:

A funny tweet

You can see the number of impressions on this single tweet. Pretty cool, right?


Making connections on twitter is fairly easy but you can make this process much easier by taking a personalized approach in your tweets.

This post by sprout social explains how taking a personalized approach on social media can be good for you. You’ll build a loyal audience like that which can result in better conversion rates and engagement.

Creating polls as a tweet is also a good tweeting approach!


Knowing your audience is important. Very important!

Here’s how you can know more about your audience:

  • Research about your audience demographics like where they are from, their gender, occupation etc.
  • Find out about their interests and lifestyle.
  • Find out their problems and try to find a solution for that specific problem.
  • Stay up to date with the relevant trends and topics.

This way, you can understand your audience much better and after that you can take some actions to help them.

For example: If you are a beauty blogger then your audience is probably finding solutions for problems like how to get better skin, which product to use, how to maintain hydrated skin etc. After that, you can provide solution to them.


This is important as well! Try to respond to your followers as fast as possible!

If you take days or even weeks to respond to them, they’ll probably find you super unhelpful. We don’t want that. This will definitely leave a negative impact on them.

Try to respond within couple of hours to your audience to maintain the loyalty and positive impact.


URL’s takes up a lot of space in a tweet and this can be frustrating because they have a certain word limit.

So, this is what I do:

I use tools like bitly or tiny URL to make the URL’s of my blog posts much shorter. This way, the URLs takes less word space and I can add more words in my tweets.

Take a look:

Here’s a tweet with the original URL of the blog post ↓

And here’s a tweet with the shortened URL of the same blog post ↓

You can notice the difference here, right?

One more thing! If you want to share the same blog post, you can create a different version of the same tweet. It’s a good way to promote your stuff so keep that in mind.

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Twitter is indeed a great platform to build an audience and promote your stuff. It gives great results if you use it with proper strategy.

Make sure to take good advantage of the twitter timeline to boost your performance.

The great thing is, you don’t have to be a pro social media marketer to promote on twitter and build an audience there. That’s why, it’s recommended to open an account on Twitter if you are a blogger or an entrepreneur.

I hope these tips may give you great outcomes so that you can carry on with your biz.

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Khushi Singh

Hey, I am the person behind this site, here to share blogging tips and strategies to help passionate and enthusiast bloggers like you with all things blogging in a non techy way. Let's help each other here!

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Anthuwin Cupido

    These are some excellent tips on how to write good tweets. It’s just what I needed! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Spicy Rocking Chair

    I’ve been putting off joining Twitter until I have time to really get to know the platform. This article is super helpful getting started. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Khushi Singh

      That’s so nice to hear! Thanks for your kind words 🙂

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